Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Holly and Shamrock

The Holly and Shamrock Parade of its debut year 2009, the most unlikely new contributor to Gatlinburg's Springfest, had a good start with scores of happy children in attendance along with parents who had as much fun as they did.

The main street of downtown Gatlinburg shut off in the mid-day to prepare the way for over 100 costumed Santa Clauses with all kinds of Mrs. Clauses and elves by their side. St. Nicholas was joined by his uncommon cousin St. Patrick and the luck of the Irish carried the parade to respectable success for its first run. The turn out was a great start and there were enough laughs and giggles and shout-outs and waves to justify an even larger crowd. Everyone was having the time of their lives. The children who attended couldn't have been happier as Santa after Santa after Leprechaun after Santa delivered candy, good wishes and surprise vists for the youngest of children who only get to see Santa during Christmas.

There was a flatbed truck carrying a 6 piece band Christmas Carol'd in 73 degree weather (absolutely perfect weather for a parade, additionally) to the delight of listeners. Others drove in silly ways, making crisp, stereo quality cartoon sounds and just had fun making the children laugh. The highlight came at the end when Santa's sleigh broke down momentarily, only to be revived as everyone cheered on, and it rose off the ground, spun a 360, and shot like a rocket to catch up to the rest of the parade! A great surprise to cap-off the event, and a great surprise Christmas memory ...on St. Patrick's Day.

All in all a brisk affair, but those who saw it were far from disappointed, and those with young children will more than likely return for even greater fun at the next Gatlinburg Springfest.

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