Wednesday, June 14, 2017

American Eagle Day 2017

Some Dollywood news we thought would be nice to share for this week:

From the Press Release:

PIGEON FORGE (WATE) – The American Eagle Foundation has a full day of activities planned at Dollywood on Saturday, June 17, to celebrate American Eagle Day.

American Eagle Day was first recognized in 1995 by President Bill Clinton and Tennessee Gov. Don Sundquist. Since then, more than 80 governors from 49 states have signed proclamations naming June 20 as American Eagle Day.

Activities will be held at Dollywood at the American Eagle Foundation’s Wings of America Theatre and Eagle Mountain Sanctuary aviary exhibit. There will be a meet-and-greet with Challenger the free-flying bald eagle, Wings of America birds-of-prey shows, presentations about the comeback of the bald eagle, as well as activities for kids and adults.

The event is free to attend, but guests are asked to visit the AEF website to RSVP and read more about the schedule.

Sounds good! Be sure to RSVP if you plan to attend, and you should definitely plan to attend!

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